Welcome To Dubenzjy

Do you seek a stronger relationship with God? Then you’ve come to the right place! Welcome to Dubenzjy, my official gospel blog! I’m Irene May, an author and blogger, dedicated to serving the Lord and spreading His word.

Hi, I'm Irene May!

I’m Irene May and welcome to my blog Dubenzjy. I’m the author of ‘I Heard About You and Now I Know You’. It’s a guide to get to know God, overcome your hurts, and remove unwanted habits. In it, I pour out my soul in regards to my relationship with God and how He saved me from my dark past. It’s also an easy to understand guidebook for the youth to follow.

My Book

Intimacy and Dwelling In The Secret Place

What is the relevance in the name Christians to ourselves and anyone? To be sure we are all on the same line of understanding about the word Christian, I will explain the origin of the name. After the disciples of Jesus received the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost, they moved from city to

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Intimacy and Friendship

Many have experienced disappointment from intimate relationships between husband and wife, bosom friends, family, and other close associates. Negative Experiences from these relationships have left many in the valley of hopelessness, insecurity, addiction, loss of confidence. The world and life, in general, are never easy to explore; relationships raise expectations that are not sustainable regularly;

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Intimacy and Expectations

Has anyone ever wondered how to approach God to grant prayers and petitions? Have you prayed repeatedly because of unanswered prayers and concluded you are not qualified to petition God? A few things we need to know for our prayers to be answered: Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone

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Intimacy and Protection

King David, having walked with God, became a reference point to the security available in the Almighty. The experience is for the one who is intimate with Him.                                          Psalm 27, an expression of David’s confidence in

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Intimacy and Uncertainty

It is not uncommon to experience life with stability, in the home, job, finances, family, nation, health, and other areas.  The stable moments call for peace, contentment, and security within the individual. People easily project plans for the future and look forward to the realization or maturity of their dreams. Unfortunately, experiences have proved unexpected,

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Confidence in Intimacy

The Confidence in Intimacy Life experiences take us through different phases in life. Has anyone experienced those rare times of feeling alone, with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty? A few will cry and ask God, where are you? Fear can also generate from a nightmare and you feel alone. The word tells us” Fear not, for

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